my pro junior sounds funny 

my pro junior sounds funny

I dont know what is wrong with the amp or the tubes... but I put in a set of
JJ tubes from eurotubes and whenever I play a higher note such as anything
over 12th fret on the last (highest) string with the bridge pickup. the
sound is not right. It sounds slightly distorted with a bit if thrill sound.
It doesnt sound clean like it should and it certainly doesnt sound like
distortion in the tradition namesake of rock. Is the amp broken or just the
tube or is that some other problem? I know its the amp because it didnt
sound like that plugged into a microcube and it didnt sound like that
unplugged either. Also the preamp tube is VERY microphonic. like you can
hear what sounds like tapping wineglass whenever you tap the preamp tube
with a stick. It doesnt even do that on the stock tube by the way. however
it does rattle on certain notes....

Since you know the preamp tube is bad anyway and needs replacing do
that first and see if the other problem still exists. Sometimes you can
get by with slightly microphonic preamp tubes in some of the sockets
but you're better off getting it out of there. They can cause problems
just like the one you described.

and I emailed eurotubes about the problem and I have yet to hear a
reply from them.... and that was 2 months ago... so are all the rave reviews
on harmony central or whatever just made up?

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